

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Well well well, hellooooo again everyone! It has definitely been quite some time since I have updated this, and I truly do apologize. There are quite a few things to talk about regarding the last 2 months.

*** Sneak Peak!!!  This blog will cover my Birthday, the arrival of my other laptop (the reason I can write this) as well as everything else I have been doing since I last wrote here!***

I will start off with my Birthday. Well that particular day was one every APU student will remember, because that was the day that everyone registered for classes. Now those of you fellow college students from the states can understand the panic and rush of class registration. In America the registration usually starts at 12:00am on the day of the registration and EVERYONE is trying to register at the same time and often times the servers become clogged and the entire process is extremely slow and miserable.

Well at this particular school in Japan things are in some ways quite similar and in other ways quite different. The first main difference is that registration opened at 10:00am, and all Freshman, Exchange students, and transfers were all eligible to register at the SAME time. As everyone reading this SHOULD laptop was not working, so I decided to head to the computer lab early and register from there. Unfortunately when I got to the computer lab every single space was filled. So I figured "Oh well, I'll just check the other computer lab..". That computer lab was also full. Sigh. What an exciting way to start my birthday. I decided to go ask my neighbor if I could use his laptop when he was finished registering. My neighbor is an American from Florida named Nick and in the wonderful hospitality of America, he let me use his laptop after he used it. He also gave me pointers on getting through the system more quickly. SO, thanks to him, I was able to get every class I needed for my schedule!  Props to him, here is a photo cred.

Nice looking guy eh?

Alright so from here I finished my registration like I said which was outstanding, well then I decided to take a short nap before I went out to eat with friends.

After that wonderful nap I met up with several friends and we went downtown to experience some Japanese  conveyer belt Sushi!!

This picture only shows a few of the people that partook in the feasting, so thank you to everyone that came :). We then had the wonderful idea to take a Purikura picture together. Now, before I came to Japan I had no idea what this type of picture was. Well, this type of picture is basically a glamor shot from a photo booth that makes you look like a 12 year old. It makes Japanese look cute and magnificent, but it just made me look like I was in the 6th grade. Observe..

If you can't see it that well don't worry, there will be more pictures of me later on that will do a better job of demonstrating the childlike changes it makes in my face.

Anyway, at this point I had had about enough of downtown so I headed back up to campus to visit some other friends. These particular friends decided to make me a cake as well as a photo collage of our awesomeness! Observe!!

Thank you so much to Misung, Asami, Mai, Chisa, Eri, and Caggiano. Probably one of the cooler presents I've ever received.

Well after eating the cake I proceeded to attend a Nomikai (drinking party) where alcohol was consumed and good times were shared. Another picture ...

Alright that pretty much concluded my 22nd Birthday and I must admit it was quite a good one.

Now since then I have been going to classes every week, and having fun every weekend. A few more photos for your viewing pleasure documenting a few events.

Well I hope that gives you a pretty decent view of the overall theme of my time here so far!

Now that I have a working computer I intend to make more regular updates documenting my shenanigans.

One kind of sad little anecdote though. I'm sort of running low on funds at the moment, so the fun times might have to slow down a bit while I consolidate resources and budget what I have left. There is hope however! Remember there is a donate option to the right towards the top of the page! If you want continuous, regular updates please consider a donation :D.  Anything helps!

Annnd here is the song of the day, enjoy.

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