

Monday, July 2, 2012

Google Adsense

Pretty big post today. Which is kind of weird since I am dead tired from working on another HUGE project.

In today's blog I will be discussing these topics:
  • What Google Adsense is and how I have been using it
  • How you can utilize Google Adsense on your blog or website
  • The pros and cons of using the service

Alright, here we go.

Some of you may have noticed that I have put ads on this blog. I have done this as an experiment into how Google adsense works. The first half of this blog will discuss my findings with regards to Google adsense, and the steps you can take to monetize your own blog with adsense. Read below.

What is Google AdSense? 
Google AdSense is the extremely popular advertising tool that Google uses to make most of its money.

How do I get Google Adsense?
Basically when you sign up for AdSense you fill out all several forms online, then Google will review your blog or website. After reviewing it (which can take several days) they will  send you an email alerting you that your account is now active. Once this happens you can add the Google Adsense Widgets to your blog. With blogger this is especially easy since Google has made all of their products integrate seamlessly.

How does it work?
When a company wants to advertise its website(s) they will often times advertise through Google. Once they sign up with Google to advertise their site, Google will place these ads within all the AdSense widgets on the internet. When a user clicks on this add, Google bills the company a certain amount for the click and then pays the website owner who had the widget on their website a small percentage. Basically, when someone clicks on an ad on my site, I get a small amount of money.

Wow, you must be making a lot of money!
Wrong. While Google AdSense does make a lot of blogs/websites a lot of money, the website needs a very large amount of traffic that goes through that website for AdSense to yield any decent amount of money.

But wait, why don't you just go click on your ads a bunch of times!
Now WHY didn't I think of that! Oh wait, I did, and so did everyone else, including Google. Basically if you click on your own ads, Google will simply not charge the owner of the ad, thus earning you $0.00 of the commission. This also applies when Google feels that ANY click is suspected of not being authentic. That rules out auto click software and Botnets automated traffic from other computer. The only way google will allow any money to be earned is if their "Ad Specialists" feel that a click was done authentically with genuine interest in said Ad.

Yeah, total pain in the ass when your site only gets 120-200 hits a day like this blog does.

So if it is so useless then why even do it?
Well even with all of the difficulties surrounding Google Adsense I have still made about $17 dollars since I got Ads put on this blog.
Sad face :(

Wow, that is awesome, have you received the money yet?
Sigh, no I haven't. Why you ask? Well Google has set monetary thresholds. You can't even pick a payment option or enter Tax information until you've reached a $10 earned threshold. To get PAID, you have to reach a $100 money threshold! Yeah, pretty unfortunate I know.

So, now what?
Well, now that all of you are properly informed on the quick ins and outs of Google Adsense you can decided for yourself whether or not you want to create a blog and use it.

HOWEVER...if you do ever come accross an advertisement on this site that looks even MILDLY worth clicking on, please don't hesitate to do so. I have personally clicked on every unique add I have seen on this blog several times to "ensure the links are safe to click on."

Whew I think that is enough blogging for one afternoon. I will write about Japanese culture tomorrow. I f you have ANY questions for me about Google AdSense, post a comment below and I will answer it as quickly as possible

If you're interested in learning more about Google AdSense click the link below.



  1. Does you posting this still make our clicks authentic? lol

  2. No I don't think so. As long as the clicks are "genuine."

    This post was merely to inform the readers what AdSense is, how it functions, and what happens if they click.

    Knowledge is power. :P
