

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Quarter Break! Guess what I'm doing...

Well it is quarter break here at my temporary university. Here the semesters are split into two quarters, and in between those two quarters there is a 6 day break! Pretty exciting stuff I know.

I had originally planned on going to Tokyo during this break, but unfortunately my constant begging for donations has proved fruitless and thus I am still too broke to afford a trip to one of the most amazing cities in the world. Sad face.

But do not fret dear reader for I am making great use of my free time. Here is a list of things I have accomplished in the past day.

1) Completed my course registration for my final semester at Texas Tech (Yeahhhhh boiiiiii)
2) Finished 'How I Met Your Mother' on Netflix
3) Am 18 Episodes into the show 'Supernatural' on Netflix
4) Completed my Fafsa thing that I have to do every year for financial aid.
5) Applied for like 6 random scholarships I found on the internet. (They were legit I checked, but thanks for your concern I know the internet can be scary :P )
6) Sent my wonderful sister Rachel a link to a website where she can apply for a pretty funny scholarship herself.
7) Played about 10 minutes of Diablo 3, then decided to revert back to being productive.
8) Read some REALLY interesting articles ( I will link them below)
9) Convinced a nice person that instead of throwing away some of their cooking items, that they should instead give them to me for free. Observe below.

So now I can eat cereal and cook for myself instead of eating at the Cafeteria all the time! Yep, I'm awesome.
10) Now this one is pretty interesting. I decided to set up Google adsense on this blog so that I can maybe make a little bit of money off of it since you're all a bunch of stingy bastards :). I will post a blog entirely dedicated to explaining Google adsense, how it works, why I chose to use it, and how you can use it too if any of you loyal readers decide you want to make your own blog about whatever tickles your fancy.

Okay so here are the links to some pretty useful/cool websites
1) How to feel satisfied with every day. - This is a Lifehacker article showing a pretty cool slide show on how to optimize your day in a way that makes you feel the most productive.
2) Khan Academy - Bookmark this page after you go to it because chances are you will probably want to use it in the future. Khan Academy is a website where you can learn basically anything for free. I expect this site will be quite useful for those of us still in college that have a teacher we can't understand.
3) Code Academy - This website is similar to Khan Academy except that it is specifically tailored towards teaching people how to code. So if you were ever interested in learning how to program. Check out the site, it is geared towards people who know absolutely nothing!

Well that is about all I have to say regarding my exploits the last few days. I think this is probably going to be what my blogs are going to look like from now on.

OH I FORGOT. I had an idea that I've been working out in my head that I wanted to ask all of you about. I've been thinking about interviewing some of my closer friends here in Japan so that everyone in America can find out who I am hanging out with, and what they think about me.

So I am going to ask that you guys post a comment with suggestions on what I should ask these friends of mine. If you don't feel like commenting you can always message me on Facebook, or email my Japanese cellphone at

Finally, the song of the day!

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