

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

40 thoughts from my head.

It is exactly 2 weeks until I leave Japan. This fact has forced me to really reflect on my time here in Japan. Below I will basically free write about some of my favorite moments here in Japan. I will include some likes, dislikes, and observations. Lets see what spills out of my head. I'm going to start with random thoughts before I get into experiences.

1. Avatar the Last Airbender is awesome and I wish I had watched it sooner. (Cartoon version)

2. I wish most American women had 1/4th of the class that the women I've met abroad have.

3. Mao Iwasa and Aisha Yuson were the first girl "best friends" I think I've ever had. Not only that, but their personalities are so different that it's pretty wild that I became so close with them in the first place. They're going to be successful in life.

4. People from San Diego are really easy to become friends with. Shout out to Kelvin and Vega.

5. Koreans cook way more than anyone I've ever known.

6. Koreans can successfully replace sleep with cooking.

7. Norwegian girls are the most entertaining drunks I think I've met.

8. Knowing all the words to songs does not make your voice sound any better during Karaoke.

9. Everyone else being intoxicated DOES make your voice sound much better during Karaoke.

10. Americans are indeed the best Beer Pong players in the world.

11. The fact that most Texan families own firearms scares the hell out of foreigners, but they secretly think it is pretty cool.

12. Milk is used as an ingredient in cooking, or used in cereal here in Japan. It is rarely consumed by itself.

13. Netflix, Amazon Prime, and other internet video services need to get their shit together and globalize their product. Idiots.

14. Fruit Granola cereal is akin to crack cocaine and should be avoided at all costs because it is a money drain.

15. There are not enough slices of bread in a Japanese loaf. (Only 5 and they are really thick).

16. Japanese girls are never as innocent as they try to act. Don't be deceived.

17. A great umbrella is a seriously underrated tool.

18. Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber are very popular in Japan because the Japanese youth do not realize that most Americans do not like Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber.

19. An American family owning more than 1 or 2 cars is very strange to most Japanese.

20. It is VERY difficult to get into Japanese Universities, but once you're in, it is pretty easy to graduate. I am of the opinion that the system in America is reversed. It is relatively easy to get into College in America, but it is much harder to graduate in America than it is in Japan.

21. A Japanese word for Awesome is literally "psycho."

22. McDonalds in Japan is of a MUCH higher quality than McDonalds in America.

23. American guys need to learn how to cook. I've never felt so inferior in a kitchen as I have here in Japan.

24. Chicken is more expensive here than fish. Much more expensive.

25. I want to steal the concept of Nomihoudai and take it to America.

26. Most Japanese bathe at night, and not in the morning. They also prefer very hot bathes to showers.

27. People from Botswana seem so happy all the time. I'd like to go to a Botswana cookout or something.

28. I really wish I could have gone to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, etc. to visit.

29. Vending machines on every corner, at every bus stop, and in every building is amazing and I will miss it. My wallet will not miss it, however.

30. If you can speak English natively, feel blessed because you don't realize how extremely ass-backwards it is until you try to explain things to non-native speakers. Pay attention to the things you say the next time you have a full blown conversation. Pay attention to how much of that is slang, or doesn't directly mean what it seems to mean.

31. Japanese people are the nicest, most helpful people I can imagine. I've said this before, and I keep being shown more and more how true it is.

32. Canada is weird.

33. LINE is an amazing app for all platforms. Download this app and add me as a friend.

34. Love hotels are popular in Japan because for many Japanese couples, that is one of the only places to truly find privacy, any kind of privacy.

35. Japanese public transportation is ridiculously convenient.

36. I miss my car.

37. Learn how to BitTorrent, the quality of your life will improve, unless you're an idiot....then it may really reduce the quality of your life if you steal copyrighted material.

38. Please travel outside of your native country. It will improve your life, as well as the lives of others you meet.

39. Japanese National Healthcare Tax is stupid and I still refuse to pay it.

40. Someone figure out how to teleport and teach me, and be quick about it.

Well there is your blog post for the day. Not a very inspired post, but I'm sure there are useful nuggets of information in there somewhere. Hope you enjoyed the read.

Song of the day -

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