

Saturday, March 31, 2012


I am sorry I have not posted more about my amazing time in Japan. My computer has decided to take a massive shit on me and has been turning off randomly. I think I have tried to write this post at least a dozen times!!!

It is friday night and I went to karaoke!! Then I went to a club called Plan B (hahahahahaha) then a bar called 68! At club 68 they have an active Beer Pong table which I excelled at! Gotta represent the US! I have posted about 98 pictures on my "Picasa Photo Album" available to your right. --------------------->

I am currently I tad bit intoxicated...but that is okay since my computer seems to want to work right now! I hope you enjoy the pictures I have provided and I intend to upload quite a bit more in the futre.

Everyone should experience Japan at least once in their lives. The people here are so nice, kind, helpful, and honest at first glance. It is quite a bit refreshing from people in the US.

I hope everyone who reads this enjoys all of the pictures I have provided and I hope you stay tuned for more posts in the future! This has been a post with a record number of exclamation marks! You will just have to deal with it.

Until next time...the song of the day. :D Good luck to Skrillex who is currently dating her. I hope you keep this one, since she is most certainly a keeper.

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