

Sunday, March 25, 2012

It was a Castle/Volcano kind of day

I have still had trouble finding wifi so I will not be able to upload pictures until tomorrow. I have a plethora of content to share with everyone so I hope you all stay patient!

Yesterday I spent the entire day with my host family (who still need proper introduction in their own update). We went to a very important Japanese monument called the Miki Coal Mine. This area is almost sacred to many Japanese people living in Kyushu (the southern most island) because of its nomination as a world heritage site. This was the largest coal mine in Japan in the early 20th century and provided the resources for Japan to grow as an industrial power.

After visiting the coal mine my host family took me to a town called the "village of rivers." Basically a Japanese Venice. My family and I took a boat ride through the city where we were shown a lot of the towns significant monuments. My personal favorite was the home of an ancient samurai family that has held to its traditions and still practices the "art of the sword" to this day. After taking the boat trip across the city we had to walk back across to get to our car. I'd say we walked about 10 miles through the town.

The next day (today) we visited the 3rd largest castle in all of Japan, learned to make noodles (which we then ate!), and visited an active volcano! Pretty busy day!
I will talk about the castle and the volcano much more in my next post when I have pictures to back up what I say. For instance, I snuck up on a ninja....twice! Owned.

Until then, enjoy today's "song of the day."

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