

Friday, June 8, 2012

Interview 2 is being delayed for a bit!

So instead of posting interview #2 today I decided to wait until tomorrow and make a video interview of sorts introducing both Mao and Aisha. I figured that a few answered questions doesn't really capture who they are like some real video footage does.

Aisha on the left and Mao on the right

Therefore I have decided that with each consecutive interview there will be a video to accompany it! Hopefully this idea yields some entertaining results.

Not much else to say about today other than I started the second quarter of the semester. I have two new classes I am taking, one of which is International Management which is one of the main things I came to Japan to learn about. The professor shows promise of being a genuinely talented educator. I have high hopes for this class as a result.

Alright that is all I have for now. Here is the song of the day.

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